Thursday, 3 July 2014

Well, it's been 9 months since my last post and I feel somewhat disgraced at my abandonment of the whole affair. Since then, I have gone through all of my AS exams, had several panics about what I wish to do in my future and undergone a defining, shorter hair-do.

(Evidence of said hair-do.)

Even though this post is basically an attempt to get me back into the swing of blogging; I also want to share with you a number of "favourites" that have come into my life recently. I'm talking about films, television programs, songs, fashions, family treasures and even celebrities! I feel like a list would be the preferred option to demonstrate these adoration's, so hold on, here we go.    

1) Film- 'It Happened at the World's Fair'Lobby Card 2
This 1963 musical film casts Elvis as the lovable, caring pilot Mike Edwards. He basically scouts around with his partner in crime, Danny (Played by Gary Lockwood) in an attempt to earn enough money to claim back their plane; which they lost when Danny gambled away their funds. This musical ensemble has the backdrop of the famous Seattle Center which once was the host of some of the largest, futuristic science fair's. During the movie, Mike and Danny hitchhike a lift with a farmer and befriend his young, adorable daughter Sue-Lin. The film then tells the tale of Mike looking after Sue-Lin and meeting the soon-to-be-thawed-out woman of his dreams: Diane Warren (who he of course has a happy ending with). This is a definite must see for any Elvis fan or even any fan of older, more authentic films. The plot is vaguely loose but it is simply made up for with the joyful, sing-along edge. It is an all round, feel good film which certainly manages to make me smile.

2) Song- 'When You're In Love With a Beautiful Woman- Dr Hook'   

After finding this beauty within my dad's old record collection I thought it was only right to test it out and determine my feelings on it. The needle lightly graced the surface of the record and an incredibly beat-filled instrumental came bursting out. I had the chore of repeatedly stacking and playing this over and over again as I simply couldn't get enough. Before I knew it, I was humming it day in and day out, all around town. I was extremely surprised to find that this song was released in 1979 as it sounded much more like a typical 60's beat. I underwent a slight bit of Wikipedia parusing on Dr Hook and found out that I actually enjoyed many more of their songs than I firstly truly understood. This song is just a must listen to for anyone due to its retro, repetitive vibe. 

3) Celebrity- Dawn O' Porter
I had always been aware of this woman since watching her various shows and pod casts on fashion, beauty, sex and other girly edits. But, it wasn't until recently that I started to admire her even more for her love of fashion her care-free sense of humour. I am such a fan of her latest television program too ('This Old Thing' on Channel 4 at 8pm) as her interest in vintage and retro fashion is directly correlated to mine. She enjoys fun, bold 60's and 80's prints and isn't afraid to style them out in any which way. She provides handy tips on how to renovate old items too which is extremely interesting for anyone who has suffered from a fatal wardrobe floor due to the long lengths or plain colours that can arise in vintage clothing. (I also found out that she is married to the hilariously stupendous Chris O' much more jealous can I get?) 

4) Object- War collage from the 1800's
This antique,treasure-hoarding, framed collage has had the prized position of our lounge wall for quite some time but I have never particularly regarded it as something important or interesting...until yesterday. On closer inspection, it includes a number of items which connect two lovers together from the war. A glove, a fan, a medicine bottle, engagement promises, letters and playing cards are just some of the pieces inside the cove. One of the pieces in the cabinet which gained my attention is the small, cardboard pot of 'Bourjois Rosette Rouge'. This delicate beauty product seems to be one of the first Bourjois pieces ever made and it seems utterly unbelievable that 150 years on- I happen to have the modern day equivalent of the Bourjois rouge blush in my makeup bag too. This antique jewel is ever so precious but we have no idea who the two people were. It has triggered a mission within my mind and I am determined to unravel the pieces and unveil the true story.

5) Fashion- The Hawaiian print 
I am currently obsessing over the eye-catching, summery prints on offer in the shops! They tend to replicate the firm 80's style and can add a retro touch to any bland wardrobe. This top was a surprisingly good buy at £18 (with student discount) from New Look. It has free-flowing tassels all along the bottom of it too which adds a certain spice. I've seen many Hawaiian prints on vintage websites and in vintage stores too such as; Beyond Retro, Rokit and Cow Vintage. I'd say they're a must have for this scorching weather. 


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